Thursday, November 26, 2009


On a recent adventure, my man and I went and fed the ducks! I'm not kidding, and he suggested it too! I love feeding the ducks, finally I've found someone... or should I say something, more gullible then I am.

You know how you break bread off to throw to the ducks? If you do the exact same thing with a leaf, they still go for it. Needless to say I spent most of the time feeding the leaves to the ducks, but they still loved it, honest.

I really wanted to show you a picture of me hand feeding one of the ducks - so you'll all know how hardxcore I am. (The 'x' between hard and core makes it that much more impressive) Let's just say I came back with A LOT of fuzzy pictures.

The ducks were either too wussy to take it from my hand, or they ran up so fast I never had a chance of getting a picture. I didn't do too bad in the end, even if i did only come away with one picture that was distinguishable as a duck.

There was one duck that was happy to take it from my hand, but he got picked on by the other ducks. Conclusion? Ducks are mean.

We had fun though. We visited some friends after and got eaten alive by mosquitos. I got more then 30 bites! And they're itchy. My boy keeps telling me not to scratch, but he can't stop me! *Scratches lots because he's not looking*

Uni's over, which is really good. It gets way too stressful near the end of the year. Stress sucks, doesn't it? It makes you feel like crap, look like crap and do crap at everything. My hair always goes limp when I'm really stressed, but it was looking pretty good when I looked at it in the mirror today! So yes, I'm slowly recovering from that. I'm not doing anything I don't want to, I'm making good use of my break - which is why we fed the ducks.

Oh, I've also started playing basketball with Molly, Sophie and Lily. There are other people there too, but they're not especially important.

And now back to my Solitaire game...
