Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Look!

My blog has a new look! Okay, so it's not new. I used to have it, but I got really sick of the gray. Here I was thinking, "Hey, I like gray! It'll make my profile look great!" And how wrong was I! I like my black. It's visually pleasing to me, I don't really care that you find it hard to read - not this week at least.

I went to my Molly's awards thing at school today. She won a thousand awards and looked pretty while she was doing it. I didn't get any photos of it or anything, and my mum (lifeatrosemaryhill) says every good blog post has a picture, so I've stolen one of hers! (yet again)

This is my Jess and my neffew Jonas. This photo has completely captured Jonas perfectly! That's what he's really like! He's one cute kid, but heavy too. No wonder my Jess is buff!

In other news, I bought the new J.K. Rowling book. The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It's a really good book. Plus it's short, so I've read it about a hundred times already. This is what it looks like.

Pretty cool hey? You can look at that and be pleased with your $9.99 purchase. Considering it has 108 pages and only just went on sale, it's really good. Then you google it to find an image to put on your blog and you see the way cooler version of the cover. And you once again feel jiped and let down that your life sucks.

But seriously, it's a great book - you should read it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Catch up!

Catch up time! I have a nephew! Or as we like to say it at my house, neff-oo! They put him in a plastic cage. Mum called it an isolette, but that's just a fancy word for plastic cage. Yeah, I stole the picture from mums blog.

And then I took this picture when I went to the hospital to visit Jonas (my neff-oo) and Jess. Oh yeah, did I mention his name is Jonas?

I have such great picture taking skills... *cough*


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Sewing is something I'm good at. You could even say I might have a talent for it. Of course it's a talent that takes a lot of time, effort and practice, but I am good at it. I can follow a pattern and even make my own patterns. I think it's cool.

The beehives at church asked me to teach them how to make their own skirt pattern and skirt, so I did! This is the skirt Candice made.

I was quite proud of her! In two one hour blocks, she made the pattern, cut out the fabric, learnt how to use a sewing machine and sewed the whole skirt! Well, except for the hem at the bottom, but I'm confident she can do that herself. She did a really good job on the skirt, so either I'm really good at teaching, or she's a fast learner... As much as I'd like it to be the first, I'm pretty sure she's a really fast learner.

Ad of course, Emily couldn't resist getting in for the picture either!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm not too bright

Good evening men! It's story time! Wanna know why it's story time? Because Molly's asleep and I'm too tired to sleep. I bet you wish you were as cool as I am...


When I was about four, one of my older sisters told me that what you see in the mirror and in photographs isn't really real because they're only copies or reflections, and they lie about what you look like. It made sense to me at the time, but we all know I'm pretty gullible!

So one day I decided I wanted to know what my hair really looked like. It was pretty long, so I could have just held one of the ends up to my face, but instead I was convinced that I had to cut some off to be able to see it properly - just to be sure.

So I did. I got some scissors, and cut off a chunk of my fringe. Can you say stupid? I looked at it and realised it looked exactly like it does in the mirror! Then I was faced with the issue of how to dispose of the "evidence". I couldn't just dump it in the kitchen bin because my mum would surely see it, so I carefully hid it in my sock drawer. No one would see it there.

By some sheer luck, no one noticed that I'd cut off part of my fringe. Maybe they thought it was supposed to be like that? I don't know. I thought I was in the clear, until Easter morning a few weeks later when my dad was hiding the Easter eggs, my secret was discovered... How was I supposed to know he'd want to hide the eggs in my sock drawer! If only I'd had a better hiding place...

The moral of this story is, never listen to your older siblings! Especially if they're girls and don't like you. Of course I could go on telling you how extremely daft I am because I kept listening to and doing everything that sister told me to do, but I wont. I have to save some of my stories for the next time I'm too tired to sleep - I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again tomorrow night!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Zebra Crossings

Zebra crossings or pedestrian crossings, whatever you like you call them, have a hidden meaning! All this time I'd thought that cars were supposed to give way to all pedestrians as soon as they were on the crossing. But really that's not how it works at all! If a car is approaching a crossing and they can see a pedestrian on it, or coming close to it, they're supposed to immediately speed up. It's a new rule for me, so I'm still trying to grasp the concept because IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!

For those of you who are stupid, that's not a new rule. People are just idiots... And if you thought I was being serious, chances are, you're also an idiot.

It's much the same at intersections with traffic lights too. Often it will be go for the pedestrians, and the cars wanting to turn around the corner will have a "Turn left with care" sign or something. Apparently turning left with care includes running over the pedestrians. It's like they think it's their right to go before you because they're bigger and scarier. Or in some cases recently, it's their right to hit you with their car, because their car is bigger then you are. They get really annoyed when you walk really slow too.

See, I think cars are really scary. I've never been hit as in, "fall down your dead" hit by a car, but one time on the way to uni a car hit me and threw me off balance. Nothing major, I just ended up with a bruise on my leg, but they seemed to think it was okay to touch me with their car, then keep driving.

It's always best to have to cross roads when I'm with mum. She's not scared of cars, but they're scared of her! She always walks on the side that the cars are coming and says, "They wont hit me because they know they'll get a great big huge dent in the front of their car!" She's very reassuring. Plus you can feel safe that they're not going to get out of their car and come beat you up because mum's big and scary... Well, she's not really big and scary, but you know... She's big and scary! I wouldn't pick a fight with her because she'd probably squash me.

And that concludes my rant about cars and driving. You should all know that cars are death traps waiting to happen. It doesn't matter if you're a good driver or not, because someone else wont be and they will kill you. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by never going out. Always stay home in bed and read books - like me!


Friday, May 30, 2008

I have something to say

For the first time in a few weeks, I actually have something I want to share! I've been thinking about this kind of thing for the past week or so, but it all keeps getting mixed up in my head. So if it makes no sense, don't worry. No one understands what I'm saying recently. Especially not people at uni, but I think that's because they think that they're too smart.

Yesterday in Foundation Studies at uni we started a new project called 'Project 4'. They're really inventive with the names of these assignments... Anyway, this project is based around a list of truisms used by Jenny Holzer in 1983. It's a huge list, so we only have to pick one, and we then have to base our project on it.

One that stood out to me the most said, 'People who do not work with their hands are parasites'. I would have thought it was near impossible not to work with your hands - you know? It's kind of an every day living thing. But then it became clear to me that for some people, it wasn't natural at all.

I also worked out that most people have a different opinion of what working with your hands really is. One girl defined filling her dishwasher as working with her hands... Which I guess is technically true, but the dishwasher is doing all the real work for you. You'd think working with your hands when it comes to dishes would be cleaning them yourself.

Having a dishwasher is a bit like having a maid. It does the work for you. There are people at uni who 'get a woman in' to clean their houses for them. There are others who have their mommy dearest do it for them, and in some cases daddy darling does it. When those kids move out they're going to find life pretty hard.

The most shocking thing I found out this week was that not everyone knows how to use a can opener! I was talking to one girl who had never opened a can in her life. And she's in her 20's.

Of course, this is just another rant of mine, but still... Oh, and did you know that I say the work 'rant' wrong? People keep telling me so =D

But anyway, I feel sick. And I've had a headache for the past week. If anyone knows how to make it go away, please do!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Why Not Then?

If there was one small thing that you could do to make someone elses day better, why not then?

Maybe I'm just crazy, but personally, I enjoy making other people happy. I know I constantly go around telling you I hate everyone - which is still true - but making other people happy makes me happy. It's not an exact science, but I promise I'll explain it to you when you're older.

Take today for example. I pretty much had the day from hell. It was the kind of day that felt messed up enough to make me want to quit anything and everything I get out of bed in the morning for. I was walking home from the bus and there's one house I always pass that has a particularly nice garden. I honestly love this garden. It's not perfect. In fact it's no where near perfect. But it is visually pleasing. It has a range of tone, texture and colour. It has a good sense of balance and the plants all compliment each other. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea.

On my way home today I was carrying my stuffed full backpack, another heavy bag on one arm, and my A1 core flute folder in my other hand. When I was passing this house I saw that the woman who lives there was working in her garden. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to tell her how amazing her garden is, but I've never had the chance. So I stopped. Who cares if I got home late? I sat on the grass across the footpath from where she was working and just sat down.

Yes, I know, it was a creepy thing to do - don't talk to strangers - blah, blah, blah.

Eventually she realised I was sitting there and she said hello. There was my invitation. I said hello back and told her how great I thought her garden was. She was clearly taken aback by what I'd said and told me that it was an odd thing for me to mention, because teenagers don't notice things like gardens.

Just to clear up any misgivings, I reassured her I wasn't your average teenger. I come with no added sugar and I'm 99% fat free. She thought that was funny - I was in. We talked about her garden for a while. We talked about her son and how she's hoping he'll visit soon. He helps her in her garden sometimes. He's also very important and I don't doubt that.

Eventually she asked me what my A1 folder was for, so I told her I'm an artist. She seemed to find that impressive, so I felt a little bit better about how much my day sucked. At least when I'm in a crap mood, I can still be impressive.

We then kept talking about her. Her son, her garden and anything else she felt like sharing while sitting on the grass a metre away from her garden. When I got up to leave she thanked me. I asked what for, because all I'd done was avoid going home so soon. She said it was for noticing her garden because she thought no one did.

Something that easy to make an old woman smile. Why not then?

You do it without ever realising it. Why not take the time to appreciate the work someone else has put in to something. I'm always being told that I try too hard to make people like me. I'm really not, I just can't help wanting to make people smile.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Don't make someone a priority when they make you an option

Inspired by Dee <3

The title is a bit of a mouth full, isn't it? I've seen this written around the place a lot recently and tonight a friend of mine started talking on me on MSN. This isn't a friend I talk to very often, just occasionally when she needs a hand with an assignment or her computer or just needs to vent about something. I never start the conversations either, I always leave that up to her. Actually I always leave that up to anyone else. I never want to start conversations with people in case they don't really want to talk to me. Don't worry, I'm just really paranoid.

So tonight when she started talking to me I asked her how she was. Then she asked me if I see her as a priority, or if I see her as an option. This questions threw me off guard because I'd never really thought about it. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I replied that she was a priority and always had been. Even when I'm in the middle of something, I always make it a priority to listen to her when she needs me to.

Maybe a little more background information is important here. I've only met this girl once. She was to my old high school, and still does actually. She was a few years younger then me and the day we met, she was way too shy to talk to me anyway. Not that she needed too because I talk too much anyway. Despite this, she's aways been a priority to me.

Then I started thinking about who else was a priority in my life, and who fitted into the category of an 'option'. Of course my family are all priorities to me. I'm not really sure who else though. I've gotten pretty sick of making people a priority to me, only to find out later that I was only an option to them and that they just didn't have anything better to do at the time.

So I ask you, who's a priority in your life? Are you a priority to them, or are you only an option? I like to help people, and be friends with people, and talk to people. So I tend to make as many people as I can a priority in my life. So if you're reading this, and I know you. There's a high probability you're a priority to me.

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I think you should all know that I think Dee is great!


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Glass Workshop!

Last Monday, we had a glass workshop at uni. Every Monday we do a different workshop so we can try everything out and see what we like. At the glass workshop we did some sand blasting (not pictured) and made some mosaic glass... erm, things. The theme was to create a "self portrait" of yourself. Some people did some really amazing stuff. This is the one I did.

I know, Rose's is only black white and red! Not much of a surprise there, huh? Everyone else was picking out pretty pinks, blues, greens and all those other colours that everyone loves. For some reason I really can't stand them! (The colours, not the people. Actually some of the people are pretty annoying too) Everyone kept asking me how mine was a self portrait, personally I don't think it's that hard to see.

My friend Andy did one with his black hair in one corner, his eye in the middle, and then part of his nose in the opposite corner to his hair. I thought it looked really good. Plus I really like his blue eyes. They're so pretty! People think it's weird when I tell them their eyes are pretty, but I think some people are getting used to it now.

Jess, did two both half the side of mine. Hers were really nice too. One she did was kind of just a stick figure of herself, but with a big belly. Then inside the round belly there was another smaller stick person. I thought that one was perfect!

For Visual Inquiry we have to carry around large charcoal drawings on A1 paper! I keep having to explain to people what size A1 is because apparently no one knows! For those of you who are slow, the normal size paper you usually use is called A4. Then there's A3 which is like having two A4 bits of paper side-by-side. Then you have A2 which is like having four A4 pieces, or otherwise two A3 pieces side by side. Then you have A1. To put it simply, A1 is like having eight A4 pieces all stuck together. So now I have a huge folder to put this paper in which I have to carry to and from uni, during peak hour on the bus. This is my new folder. My lense was dirty when I took the picture, I'm pretty sure someone's been playing with my camera because all my settings have been changed too. I'm pretty sure I've never purposefully put my camera into wide screen mode! Own up to using my camera while I was at uni! come on!

In other news, my hair is currently straight. When I came home from uni, Tayla was playing with Molly's hair, so she wanted to play with mine next. When Tayla does my hair, Molly watches and they stand there telling me how much they love my hair. You would think that would make them love me, but apparently if you love something about a person, you immediately have to hate them. It's like a rule or something. I sure as hell don't get it. I'm pretty sure that Molly and Tayla both obsess about my hair more then I do.

Now that I go out and associate with people more, I'm learning so much about the way people interact with each other and what they find acceptable. I now know why girls go to the toilets in packs. And I know that if a girl invites me to go to the toilet with her, I should always say no.

I've decided to write a book about human behavior. Actually I started it years ago, but now I actually have more stuff to put in it.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How Rude!

I was catching the bus home from uni today, and I had to wait around a bit to catch my connecting bus. That's was fine, I know how to wait for things, I've been doing it my whole life, after all. Then a woman, most likely in her 30's, sat down next to me. This was also fine, I have nothing against women in general. And then she started smoking...

Why the hell do people think that is ok??

Speaking as someone who is allergic to smoke like that, it's terrible. As soon as I smelt it I could feel my chest getting tight. Not so tight I couldn't breathe, but tight enough to make me scared. Surely enough she must realise that smoking around other people is inconsiderate? Or maybe she didn't? So I told her.

I told her exactly how rude it is to smoke around other people, especially in such close proximity. She told me if I didn't like it, I should move. Why should I move because of her inconsideration for other people?

It's the same at uni. There are only a few trees at my uni, and only really one spot where to can sit under the shade of the trees. Sadly for people who don't want to cause that kind of premature death, we're left without the awesome tree shade because that's where people like to go smoke. You would think they'd ban smoking at uni because the walkways between the buildings are so close together anyway. But then again, you're allowed to drink alcohol at uni, so what's the difference? (I know it's a really big one, but if you know me, you'll get the point)

So this is my rant for the day. My inability to spend time in certain places due to the inconsideration of others.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Uni Bum With Friends!!!

As you may know from my previous post, I'm a uni bum now. Cool eh? However, in more recent news, I'm a uni bum with friends! On my first day of uni I made 100 million bazillion new friends! And they're all really cool. Mum pointed out to me that most of them are actually boys, but boys are cooler then girls. Thus why I'd really like to be a boy.

Onto other news. Today is my first day off since uni started. And I have to go to uni for a BBQ tomorrow. I know, life's hard, but someone has to do it. I have Friday off too.

I've got nothing else to say.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's hold hands and skip!

While holding hands with each other and skipping around in a bunch of daisies would be really cool, I know of something better! Three letters guys, uni. Or you could use the ten letter version, but really either of them are great!

You know what it's like when you do your best to be likable, just so that people wont turn their noses up at you? And do you know what it's like to always still ha
ve people turn their noses up at you? If so, we're probably in the same boat. Regardless of where I go, what I do, or how I act, people always treat me like something they've scraped off the bottom of their shoe. I hate it.

Obviously it's not my little brother Asher's shoe because he scrapes things off and keeps them as loving pets. Just like his completely flat, completely dead little lizard he named George. I wouldn't mind being pulled off of his shoe.

Anyway, I went to my university enrolment day today. It
was so great! Sure, there were a few people there who thought themselves good enough to turn their noses up at me as I walked past, but like it mattered anyway. I had more friends then they did and my friends were actually paying attention to me. Beat that.

I got a free diary, pen, lanyard, bag, and jelly beans. What more could you want? My lanyard makes me feel very important, as I'm sure you all know I am. I love uni, here's a picture of my with my lanyard while me, Molly and Tayla were waiting for
Sydney White to start at the movies.


Friday, February 8, 2008


Apparently I smile too much, but it's okay, because I have a pretty smile.

Apparently I talk to strangers too much, but it's okay, because they all wanted to be my friends anyway!

Apparently I'm too crazy... But it's okay, I don't often bite =D

I went to a church dance last night. Me, a dance. Freaky, hey? It was a valentines dance, so I made an awesome 'FREE VALENTINES HUGS!' sign. Of course everyone loved it and a got a few guys coming back for more! They sure do know how to make a girl feel special.

I danced with a bunch of 14-year-old boys (They so told me they were older then that) and two guys my age. Plus I got to take my shoes off for most of the night! I love not wearing shoes.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Return of the Parentals

My darling parentals went away to Naracoorte for two days. In true fashion of my father, these two days turned into four. After the second day they called and said they would be home tomorrow, we stopped believing them.

During their time away I found time to do so many things. The two most important ones are that I found out that I got into University. This year I will be beginning a Bachelor of Visual Arts (specialisation) at the coolest University ever invented! To top off how exciting this is for me, I'll be doing it with my sister and a very good friend of mine. I knew that they would both get in, but I honestly thought that I wouldn't.

The next important thing I did while my parentals were away, was learn how to wiggle my ears! It took me two days of constant concentration to be able to remember which muscles to move. Believe it or not, I kept getting my ear muscles and my eyebrow muscles mixed up. Molly thinks wiggling your ears is gross, but I think it's a big achievement!

Of course while my parentals were gone, I did look after their children, but that wasn't anything particularly special. However I do know for sure that I can cook, clean, keep track of 6 other people, make sure the doors and windows are locked at night and I can scare away bad dreams. What else is there to know?
