Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Look!

My blog has a new look! Okay, so it's not new. I used to have it, but I got really sick of the gray. Here I was thinking, "Hey, I like gray! It'll make my profile look great!" And how wrong was I! I like my black. It's visually pleasing to me, I don't really care that you find it hard to read - not this week at least.

I went to my Molly's awards thing at school today. She won a thousand awards and looked pretty while she was doing it. I didn't get any photos of it or anything, and my mum (lifeatrosemaryhill) says every good blog post has a picture, so I've stolen one of hers! (yet again)

This is my Jess and my neffew Jonas. This photo has completely captured Jonas perfectly! That's what he's really like! He's one cute kid, but heavy too. No wonder my Jess is buff!

In other news, I bought the new J.K. Rowling book. The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It's a really good book. Plus it's short, so I've read it about a hundred times already. This is what it looks like.

Pretty cool hey? You can look at that and be pleased with your $9.99 purchase. Considering it has 108 pages and only just went on sale, it's really good. Then you google it to find an image to put on your blog and you see the way cooler version of the cover. And you once again feel jiped and let down that your life sucks.

But seriously, it's a great book - you should read it.

1 comment:

picklesticks said...

What a great book! I should borrow it after you have read it a few more hundred times.