Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Don't make someone a priority when they make you an option

Inspired by Dee <3

The title is a bit of a mouth full, isn't it? I've seen this written around the place a lot recently and tonight a friend of mine started talking on me on MSN. This isn't a friend I talk to very often, just occasionally when she needs a hand with an assignment or her computer or just needs to vent about something. I never start the conversations either, I always leave that up to her. Actually I always leave that up to anyone else. I never want to start conversations with people in case they don't really want to talk to me. Don't worry, I'm just really paranoid.

So tonight when she started talking to me I asked her how she was. Then she asked me if I see her as a priority, or if I see her as an option. This questions threw me off guard because I'd never really thought about it. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I replied that she was a priority and always had been. Even when I'm in the middle of something, I always make it a priority to listen to her when she needs me to.

Maybe a little more background information is important here. I've only met this girl once. She was to my old high school, and still does actually. She was a few years younger then me and the day we met, she was way too shy to talk to me anyway. Not that she needed too because I talk too much anyway. Despite this, she's aways been a priority to me.

Then I started thinking about who else was a priority in my life, and who fitted into the category of an 'option'. Of course my family are all priorities to me. I'm not really sure who else though. I've gotten pretty sick of making people a priority to me, only to find out later that I was only an option to them and that they just didn't have anything better to do at the time.

So I ask you, who's a priority in your life? Are you a priority to them, or are you only an option? I like to help people, and be friends with people, and talk to people. So I tend to make as many people as I can a priority in my life. So if you're reading this, and I know you. There's a high probability you're a priority to me.

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I think you should all know that I think Dee is great!



picklesticks said...

You have always been a priority to me! I think its wonderful the effort you put into others. I know it makes them happy. I know someone else really great who made other people his priority and put them first even when he was only an option to them (Jesus Christ). Its good to be like him.

Kris said...

Hmmm..... interesting post! And isn't that picklesticks insightful! What wonderful women you are. No wonder I like hanging out with you two. You must have a marvellous mother!

Dee said...

I used to make people other than family an option until I realized that other people were making me a priority. I started to think about how I relate to them. I started to make them a priority now I have friends that aren't just my family. Cool.

Anonymous said...

I agree very interesting post, I guess prioritys change in life as do your options. Without options there would be few priotitys. These maybe be the only wise words i ever speak....