Friday, June 27, 2008

Catch up!

Catch up time! I have a nephew! Or as we like to say it at my house, neff-oo! They put him in a plastic cage. Mum called it an isolette, but that's just a fancy word for plastic cage. Yeah, I stole the picture from mums blog.

And then I took this picture when I went to the hospital to visit Jonas (my neff-oo) and Jess. Oh yeah, did I mention his name is Jonas?

I have such great picture taking skills... *cough*


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Sewing is something I'm good at. You could even say I might have a talent for it. Of course it's a talent that takes a lot of time, effort and practice, but I am good at it. I can follow a pattern and even make my own patterns. I think it's cool.

The beehives at church asked me to teach them how to make their own skirt pattern and skirt, so I did! This is the skirt Candice made.

I was quite proud of her! In two one hour blocks, she made the pattern, cut out the fabric, learnt how to use a sewing machine and sewed the whole skirt! Well, except for the hem at the bottom, but I'm confident she can do that herself. She did a really good job on the skirt, so either I'm really good at teaching, or she's a fast learner... As much as I'd like it to be the first, I'm pretty sure she's a really fast learner.

Ad of course, Emily couldn't resist getting in for the picture either!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm not too bright

Good evening men! It's story time! Wanna know why it's story time? Because Molly's asleep and I'm too tired to sleep. I bet you wish you were as cool as I am...


When I was about four, one of my older sisters told me that what you see in the mirror and in photographs isn't really real because they're only copies or reflections, and they lie about what you look like. It made sense to me at the time, but we all know I'm pretty gullible!

So one day I decided I wanted to know what my hair really looked like. It was pretty long, so I could have just held one of the ends up to my face, but instead I was convinced that I had to cut some off to be able to see it properly - just to be sure.

So I did. I got some scissors, and cut off a chunk of my fringe. Can you say stupid? I looked at it and realised it looked exactly like it does in the mirror! Then I was faced with the issue of how to dispose of the "evidence". I couldn't just dump it in the kitchen bin because my mum would surely see it, so I carefully hid it in my sock drawer. No one would see it there.

By some sheer luck, no one noticed that I'd cut off part of my fringe. Maybe they thought it was supposed to be like that? I don't know. I thought I was in the clear, until Easter morning a few weeks later when my dad was hiding the Easter eggs, my secret was discovered... How was I supposed to know he'd want to hide the eggs in my sock drawer! If only I'd had a better hiding place...

The moral of this story is, never listen to your older siblings! Especially if they're girls and don't like you. Of course I could go on telling you how extremely daft I am because I kept listening to and doing everything that sister told me to do, but I wont. I have to save some of my stories for the next time I'm too tired to sleep - I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again tomorrow night!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Zebra Crossings

Zebra crossings or pedestrian crossings, whatever you like you call them, have a hidden meaning! All this time I'd thought that cars were supposed to give way to all pedestrians as soon as they were on the crossing. But really that's not how it works at all! If a car is approaching a crossing and they can see a pedestrian on it, or coming close to it, they're supposed to immediately speed up. It's a new rule for me, so I'm still trying to grasp the concept because IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!

For those of you who are stupid, that's not a new rule. People are just idiots... And if you thought I was being serious, chances are, you're also an idiot.

It's much the same at intersections with traffic lights too. Often it will be go for the pedestrians, and the cars wanting to turn around the corner will have a "Turn left with care" sign or something. Apparently turning left with care includes running over the pedestrians. It's like they think it's their right to go before you because they're bigger and scarier. Or in some cases recently, it's their right to hit you with their car, because their car is bigger then you are. They get really annoyed when you walk really slow too.

See, I think cars are really scary. I've never been hit as in, "fall down your dead" hit by a car, but one time on the way to uni a car hit me and threw me off balance. Nothing major, I just ended up with a bruise on my leg, but they seemed to think it was okay to touch me with their car, then keep driving.

It's always best to have to cross roads when I'm with mum. She's not scared of cars, but they're scared of her! She always walks on the side that the cars are coming and says, "They wont hit me because they know they'll get a great big huge dent in the front of their car!" She's very reassuring. Plus you can feel safe that they're not going to get out of their car and come beat you up because mum's big and scary... Well, she's not really big and scary, but you know... She's big and scary! I wouldn't pick a fight with her because she'd probably squash me.

And that concludes my rant about cars and driving. You should all know that cars are death traps waiting to happen. It doesn't matter if you're a good driver or not, because someone else wont be and they will kill you. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by never going out. Always stay home in bed and read books - like me!
